
Given that I've kept a journal since I was twelve and have been photographing even longer than that, I suppose it makes sense that at some point I would be drawn to combine the two. I hesitate jumping on the blog bandwagon - this isn't about making my personal life public, drawing reader attention, or filling a quota of posts to keep people interested. Really it's about getting myself to photograph more. It's about having a place to scribble that belongs to me, not to my business, because the line between the two is so often muddy, as it is bound to be for anyone who turns a love for a hobby into a career. In the end, who knows what this will become - hopefully it won't fizzle out!

There is a photograph I just love. It is a self-portrait of Ethan's brother, Ryan, celebrating the purchase of his 1946 Luscombe Silvaire. Donned fittingly in a bomber jacket, white scarf and aviator goggles, he stands tall enough to lean an elbow on the engine cowl and wrap his arm around the propeller like an old friend (or a new love). He points to the sky with one hand and in the other holds a homemade sign that says, simply, "MINE". To me that sign represents not only a dream of his come true but also a testament to his vision and commitment to making it happen. It deserves an exclamation point. I so admire that kind of dedication to the part of yourself that dreams, that is a visionary. This blog is no airplane but it is as important to me in its own small inspiring way, and so I call it mine. ( thanks, Ryan! )

